Sketchy Business

Happy 2018! Like… three months later, hehe.

How’s everyone’s creative endeavors going? If you’ve been following along my Twitter or Instagram, you may have noticed I’ve been pushing my Etsy a bit more. But with more sketch cards rather than the crafts. That’s one goal I wanted to accomplish this year – to improve on something I’m already working on.

Easy. Porg all the way. #PorgNation

In this case – it’s my Etsy shop. I love crafts, but drawing is my first creative love. Though, that doesn’t mean I won’t stop with the crafts…more on this in a bit.

Of course, when selling original (as in, they’re not prints) work, there’s always an attachment. I scan them, of course, before they’re sent to their new homes. In many ways I like doing the sketch card focus because I can pump them out a bit faster than, say, a hand-made plushie. And the subject matter isn’t just something that many love, but what I also love – otherwise, what’s the fun in drawing them?

Oh Miki, you’re so dead.

Getting the word out is a challenge I’ve accepted – so part of the fun is trying to catch people’s eyes. If I can at least get more visitors to my Etsy page…then I’ve accomplished something.

Hux with the buzzkill.

Well…sketch cards aside…I’ve begun the process of dabbling in some jewelry making…again. But this time, dabbling in a bit of resin. I’ll keep everyone updated!

Thank you for following along with me. And, if you’re ever looking to start up a sketch card collection or add something new to what you have, stop by my Etsy store!

Or, if you’d like to just contribute a tiny bit because my drawings make you smile, I’m always grateful for a coffee (or an herbal tea!)

Buy Me a Coffee at

Reflecting on the Crunchy

Welp! I can add another notch to my Artist Alley experience with Crunchyroll Expo. In short – my sales were fair, but I had a lot of fun as I did with the year I was doing Fanime. I met some fabulous artists – even some I’ve been following ’round the interwebs – so I had some slight star-struck moments.

Why yes, we ARE artists!

Though my friend and were a bit  more prepared setup-wise, we did still feel like amateurs. Because – WOW, if you’ve been to any Artist Alley, you know there are some impressive displays! But this time, we had a good stock on variety and I thought our table looked pretty good.

The fun part.

Oh, a bit of this and a bit of that…

The crowd itself seemed a bit more mellow than I expected, but perhaps that can be attributed to this being the first con from Crunchyroll. That did give my tablemate/pal and I some time to peruse the rest of the convention.

Not shown: Me doing a Skyrim merchant impression

The Exhibitor’s hall was cool, but I was absolutely more impressed with Artist Alley! It was a very humbling, but also learning experience – I’d chat with a few of the fellow artists, get some tips on printing, supplies, setup, and just generally praise their work because holy cow…there are just some AMAZING pieces out there!

This being my third tabling experience – I’m still ever a rookie learning the ropes. Do I want to do this again? Absolutely.

But until my next table, I’ll continue to improve my work and hope to keep in touch with the fellow artists I’ve met!

No, THIS is the fun part. Taking EVERYTHING down. Sigh…

If you weren’t able to come say hi at Crunchyroll Expo, I’m always on Twitter and Instagram!

Well-traveled supplies

Looks like I’ll be traveling in less than a day. And we’re not talking about a road trip or a short flight down south – this is traveling across the planet and staying there for nearly a month!

So what does someone like me take along to create with on my travels?

Well, learning from my other lengthy trip a few years back, I’m definitely taking along my watercolor set. Last trip, while fun, had me go a little nuts that I didn’t have much to color with.

Sure, there are plenty of places where I can grab some colorful pens and neat pencils, but – as I’ve mentioned earlier – I’m trying VERY hard to use up what I have.

On to what I’m packing – keeping in mind, that I’m staying with family and that I’m sure I’ll have a lot of down-time. Still, I try to stay as minimal as possible, I’m still traveling, right?

I’ll need a lightbox, right?! That’s portable.

The no brainers, of course – pencils, pens, refills, eraser, ruler. And, have I mentioned how much I love this watercolor set? I’m so happy to take this with me this time around.

A watercolor pad and…an out-dated datebook?!

Oh eff yeah, Star Wars…

…wait. 2015, what?

No biggie – this is all for doodles and sketches. I’ve been making use of ruled notebooks like these I’ve acquired (usually as gifts, freebies) this way. I say, when it comes to sketching, paper is paper! And this is a Star Wars Moleskine – I’m definitely not complaining.

And, with downtime, artist blocks are inevitable. So I’m taking a few more reinforcements with me.

It’s dangerous to go uninspired…take this!

I think I’m all set for the next few weeks. Other than the obvious sketchbook and pencils/pens, what do you take on your travels?

As always – my doodles and musings will be posted on my Twitter and Instagram!

Water You Waiting For?

I’ve made a vow. A difficult vow.

A vow I’ll likely break the next time I step into an art supply store.


I vowed to only use the art supplies I already have…and RESIST *cries* giving in to temptation should I step into a Michael’s..or Flax…or peruse on the Blick’s site…

Which leads me to the set of watercolors I’ve, sometimes, put aside in favor of my markers. For the past few weeks I’ve come back to them and even bought a new watercolor pad.

Used a coupon at Michael’s. A justified purchase.

OK that didn’t count – I NEEDED that pad to use my watercolors!

Also – during the past two weeks, a pal and I gave ourselves themes to work on for our future art table adventures. So it was killing two birds with one stone for me.

A few weeks ago – we made ourselves draw Pokemon. Easy enough? Eh…a bit of a challenge when it’s something I don’t normally draw. But it was good practice all the same!

The cute route is a family-friendly route, right?

Week after – a Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki week – because…face it, those characters are forever.

When in doubt…TOTORO.

Chibi Totoro: NOPE

I want to say I’m improving, and I think I am. All I can say, it’s just fun. I like to think of this set of watercolors as having an unlimited palette of water-based markers.

Of course – my only gripe is the bit of waiting in between laying down color to dry. Otherwise – I love the blending and layering.

Next: Ren Eboshi

The Good: I’m putting mileage on this watercolor set. I’m seeing some improvements – aka – I’m a bit more patient between color applications.

The Bad: It’s got me looking at watercolor supplies which I…don’t…don’t…need! But WANT!

Is there a watercolor set or brand you favor?

Follow along my watercoloring adventures on my Twitter and Instagram!


Turning the Tables

That time came around to registering for Fanime’s Artist Alley – and since my pal and I had a lot of fun last time, we jumped for the chance again….

…welp, no dice this time. BUT – that didn’t stop us from poking around for other events to set up shop. So this year…

..we can check off the Japan Town’s Mini Art Mart off our tabling experience. This past weekend, my pal and I took the opportunity to sell our art. The Mini Art Mart is a small, monthly event for artists around the Bay Area to set up shop in one of the malls in San Francisco’s Japan Center.

Pretty nifty since paying for a table is quite cheap and the location isn’t so far.

Me, I call them treasures...

Me, I call them treasures…

Taking our learnings from Fanime – we made some buttons and a few other small, instantly-enjoyable goodies.

A bit of this, and a bit of that...

A bit of this, and a bit of that…

Of course, we definitely expected a much different crowd – after all, these tables set up in the middle of a mall aren’t exactly the main objectives of shoppers and diners – unlike the attendees of a con.

Just what you see here...

Matt the Radar Tech is still relevant…right? RIGHT?!

Tourists, families, weekenders, diners – were the typical folks who perused by our tables. I had low sales expectations (though, I miraculously broke even!) but I enjoyed it just as much – the engagement with folks who stop by to the observation and people-watching.

It was another learning experience – and I’ve taken some notes on what to do better for this particular event as well as cons. Would I still do this particular event again? Who knows – I definitely want to look into snagging a table when Japan Town holds anime or Jrock related festivals. After all – my observations and notes have to go to some good use!

One thing’s for sure…I’ve got A LOT to catch up on with Pokemon. You mean there are other games past Blue and Red?! :P